3077 Providence Street, Sun Prairie WI 53590
Yes, as you can read on Zillow.com, 3077 Providence Street did sell, in December of 2008, for $130,000. The thing you have to realize, and Zillow does not tell you, is that the unit was in foreclosure and had been rented out for four years. The tenants completely trashed the place. It took the new owners two months of repairs before they could even move in. Now, five months later, they finally have the place back into good condition and it is worth what other units are selling for in this neighborhood.
Zillow takes an anomaly and uses it to get people to look at their website and their ads. The selling price in 2008 is not an indication of 3077 Providence Street's present value or of the surrounding units for sale in the area.
Zillow does all people in this subdivision a disservice by creating the expectation that the surrounding units are only valued at this low selling price.