Corn Fest Parade for 2009: Thursday, August 20th, 6:30 pm,
Columbus Street (new route this year)
2007 Parade Highlights and Photos
The 2007 Sun Prairie Sweet Corn Festival Parade took place on August 16th. The parade started at 6:30 PM and took about one and 1/2 hours to complete. Throughout the parade, the children spectators were treated to many opportunities for free candy handouts from businesses that had "floats" or cars or trucks in the parade. The Sun Prairie High School football team provided security for the little children along the parade route to make sure they would not get into the area where the parade was taking place. Thousands of spectators of all ages lined the parade route starting in front of the Hanley / Hardware Hank parking lot. For the children it must have seemed like Halloween had come early because of all the free candy. A few politicians turned out in force to milk the crowd for votes among them was Representative Mary Panzer. Surprisingly, there were no bands. Didn't seem like a real parade without bands playing. |
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